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Katalog Produk

Avercomm H300
HargaUSD 4,875
Jumlah Pesanan:


HD Video Conferencing

Feature-rich HD video conferencing system with end point, conferencing bridge and recording

AVerComm H300 is a versatile all-inclusive HD video conferencing system. Along with the features included in the H100, the H300 adds a 4-way multipoint control unit ( MCU) for multi-party conferencing. Full conference recording can be captured to a USB flash drive with pause and playback features. High resolution snapshots can also be taken and shared.

- Precision 7x optical zoom PTZ auto focus 5 Mega pixel camera
- Powerful codec produces amazing HD full motion video even if using limited bandwidth
- Share content and maintain smooth visual/ audio contact with dual display
- Flexible video and audio connectivity options
- Embedded 4-way multipoint control unit ( MCU)
- Direct to USB flash drive recording feature to capture live video and content for training or review
- Exclusive AVerShot and AVerZoom capture crisp high resolution snapshots to save or share

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